var vec2 = require('../math/vec2');
var Spring = require('./Spring');
var Utils = require('../utils/Utils');
module.exports = LinearSpring;
* A spring, connecting two bodies.
* The Spring explicitly adds force and angularForce to the bodies.
* @class LinearSpring
* @extends Spring
* @constructor
* @param {Body} bodyA
* @param {Body} bodyB
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.restLength] A number > 0. Default is the current distance between the world anchor points.
* @param {number} [options.stiffness=100] Spring constant (see Hookes Law). A number >= 0.
* @param {number} [options.damping=1] A number >= 0. Default: 1
* @param {Array} [options.worldAnchorA] Where to hook the spring to body A, in world coordinates. Overrides the option "localAnchorA" if given.
* @param {Array} [options.worldAnchorB]
* @param {Array} [options.localAnchorA] Where to hook the spring to body A, in local body coordinates. Defaults to the body center.
* @param {Array} [options.localAnchorB]
function LinearSpring(bodyA,bodyB,options){
options = options || {};, bodyA, bodyB, options);
* Anchor for bodyA in local bodyA coordinates.
* @property localAnchorA
* @type {Array}
this.localAnchorA = vec2.fromValues(0,0);
* Anchor for bodyB in local bodyB coordinates.
* @property localAnchorB
* @type {Array}
this.localAnchorB = vec2.fromValues(0,0);
if(options.localAnchorA){ vec2.copy(this.localAnchorA, options.localAnchorA); }
if(options.localAnchorB){ vec2.copy(this.localAnchorB, options.localAnchorB); }
if(options.worldAnchorA){ this.setWorldAnchorA(options.worldAnchorA); }
if(options.worldAnchorB){ this.setWorldAnchorB(options.worldAnchorB); }
var worldAnchorA = vec2.create();
var worldAnchorB = vec2.create();
var worldDistance = vec2.distance(worldAnchorA, worldAnchorB);
* Rest length of the spring.
* @property restLength
* @type {number}
this.restLength = typeof(options.restLength) === "number" ? options.restLength : worldDistance;
LinearSpring.prototype = new Spring();
LinearSpring.prototype.constructor = LinearSpring;
* Set the anchor point on body A, using world coordinates.
* @method setWorldAnchorA
* @param {Array} worldAnchorA
LinearSpring.prototype.setWorldAnchorA = function(worldAnchorA){
this.bodyA.toLocalFrame(this.localAnchorA, worldAnchorA);
* Set the anchor point on body B, using world coordinates.
* @method setWorldAnchorB
* @param {Array} worldAnchorB
LinearSpring.prototype.setWorldAnchorB = function(worldAnchorB){
this.bodyB.toLocalFrame(this.localAnchorB, worldAnchorB);
* Get the anchor point on body A, in world coordinates.
* @method getWorldAnchorA
* @param {Array} result The vector to store the result in.
LinearSpring.prototype.getWorldAnchorA = function(result){
this.bodyA.toWorldFrame(result, this.localAnchorA);
* Get the anchor point on body B, in world coordinates.
* @method getWorldAnchorB
* @param {Array} result The vector to store the result in.
LinearSpring.prototype.getWorldAnchorB = function(result){
this.bodyB.toWorldFrame(result, this.localAnchorB);
var applyForce_r = vec2.create(),
applyForce_r_unit = vec2.create(),
applyForce_u = vec2.create(),
applyForce_f = vec2.create(),
applyForce_worldAnchorA = vec2.create(),
applyForce_worldAnchorB = vec2.create(),
applyForce_ri = vec2.create(),
applyForce_rj = vec2.create(),
applyForce_tmp = vec2.create();
* Apply the spring force to the connected bodies.
* @method applyForce
LinearSpring.prototype.applyForce = function(){
var k = this.stiffness,
d = this.damping,
l = this.restLength,
bodyA = this.bodyA,
bodyB = this.bodyB,
r = applyForce_r,
r_unit = applyForce_r_unit,
u = applyForce_u,
f = applyForce_f,
tmp = applyForce_tmp;
var worldAnchorA = applyForce_worldAnchorA,
worldAnchorB = applyForce_worldAnchorB,
ri = applyForce_ri,
rj = applyForce_rj;
// Get world anchors
// Get offset points
vec2.sub(ri, worldAnchorA, bodyA.position);
vec2.sub(rj, worldAnchorB, bodyB.position);
// Compute distance vector between world anchor points
vec2.sub(r, worldAnchorB, worldAnchorA);
var rlen = vec2.len(r);
// Compute relative velocity of the anchor points, u
vec2.sub(u, bodyB.velocity, bodyA.velocity);
vec2.crossZV(tmp, bodyB.angularVelocity, rj);
vec2.add(u, u, tmp);
vec2.crossZV(tmp, bodyA.angularVelocity, ri);
vec2.sub(u, u, tmp);
// F = - k * ( x - L ) - D * ( u )
vec2.scale(f, r_unit, -k*(rlen-l) - d*,r_unit));
// Add forces to bodies
vec2.sub( bodyA.force, bodyA.force, f);
vec2.add( bodyB.force, bodyB.force, f);
// Angular force
var ri_x_f = vec2.crossLength(ri, f);
var rj_x_f = vec2.crossLength(rj, f);
bodyA.angularForce -= ri_x_f;
bodyB.angularForce += rj_x_f;