module.exports = Equation;
var vec2 = require('../math/vec2'),
Utils = require('../utils/Utils'),
Body = require('../objects/Body');
* Base class for constraint equations.
* @class Equation
* @constructor
* @param {Body} bodyA First body participating in the equation
* @param {Body} bodyB Second body participating in the equation
* @param {number} minForce Minimum force to apply. Default: -Number.MAX_VALUE
* @param {number} maxForce Maximum force to apply. Default: Number.MAX_VALUE
function Equation(bodyA, bodyB, minForce, maxForce){
* Minimum force to apply when solving.
* @property minForce
* @type {Number}
this.minForce = typeof(minForce)==="undefined" ? -Number.MAX_VALUE : minForce;
* Max force to apply when solving.
* @property maxForce
* @type {Number}
this.maxForce = typeof(maxForce)==="undefined" ? Number.MAX_VALUE : maxForce;
* First body participating in the constraint
* @property bodyA
* @type {Body}
this.bodyA = bodyA;
* Second body participating in the constraint
* @property bodyB
* @type {Body}
this.bodyB = bodyB;
* The stiffness of this equation. Typically chosen to a large number (~1e7), but can be chosen somewhat freely to get a stable simulation.
* @property stiffness
* @type {Number}
this.stiffness = Equation.DEFAULT_STIFFNESS;
* The number of time steps needed to stabilize the constraint equation. Typically between 3 and 5 time steps.
* @property relaxation
* @type {Number}
this.relaxation = Equation.DEFAULT_RELAXATION;
* The Jacobian entry of this equation. 6 numbers, 3 per body (x,y,angle).
* @property G
* @type {Array}
this.G = new Utils.ARRAY_TYPE(6);
for(var i=0; i<6; i++){
this.offset = 0;
this.a = 0;
this.b = 0;
this.epsilon = 0;
this.timeStep = 1/60;
* Indicates if stiffness or relaxation was changed.
* @property {Boolean} needsUpdate
this.needsUpdate = true;
* The resulting constraint multiplier from the last solve. This is mostly equivalent to the force produced by the constraint.
* @property multiplier
* @type {Number}
this.multiplier = 0;
* Relative velocity.
* @property {Number} relativeVelocity
this.relativeVelocity = 0;
* Whether this equation is enabled or not. If true, it will be added to the solver.
* @property {Boolean} enabled
this.enabled = true;
Equation.prototype.constructor = Equation;
* The default stiffness when creating a new Equation.
* @static
* @property {Number} DEFAULT_STIFFNESS
* @default 1e6
* The default relaxation when creating a new Equation.
* @static
* @property {Number} DEFAULT_RELAXATION
* @default 4
* Compute SPOOK parameters .a, .b and .epsilon according to the current parameters. See equations 9, 10 and 11 in the <a href="">SPOOK notes</a>.
* @method update
Equation.prototype.update = function(){
var k = this.stiffness,
d = this.relaxation,
h = this.timeStep;
this.a = 4.0 / (h * (1 + 4 * d));
this.b = (4.0 * d) / (1 + 4 * d);
this.epsilon = 4.0 / (h * h * k * (1 + 4 * d));
this.needsUpdate = false;
* Multiply a jacobian entry with corresponding positions or velocities
* @method gmult
* @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.gmult = function(G,vi,wi,vj,wj){
return G[0] * vi[0] +
G[1] * vi[1] +
G[2] * wi +
G[3] * vj[0] +
G[4] * vj[1] +
G[5] * wj;
* Computes the RHS of the SPOOK equation
* @method computeB
* @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeB = function(a,b,h){
var GW = this.computeGW();
var Gq = this.computeGq();
var GiMf = this.computeGiMf();
return - Gq * a - GW * b - GiMf*h;
* Computes G\*q, where q are the generalized body coordinates
* @method computeGq
* @return {Number}
var qi = vec2.create(),
qj = vec2.create();
Equation.prototype.computeGq = function(){
var G = this.G,
bi = this.bodyA,
bj = this.bodyB,
xi = bi.position,
xj = bj.position,
ai = bi.angle,
aj = bj.angle;
return this.gmult(G, qi, ai, qj, aj) + this.offset;
* Computes G\*W, where W are the body velocities
* @method computeGW
* @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeGW = function(){
var G = this.G,
bi = this.bodyA,
bj = this.bodyB,
vi = bi.velocity,
vj = bj.velocity,
wi = bi.angularVelocity,
wj = bj.angularVelocity;
return this.gmult(G,vi,wi,vj,wj) + this.relativeVelocity;
* Computes G\*Wlambda, where W are the body velocities
* @method computeGWlambda
* @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeGWlambda = function(){
var G = this.G,
bi = this.bodyA,
bj = this.bodyB,
vi = bi.vlambda,
vj = bj.vlambda,
wi = bi.wlambda,
wj = bj.wlambda;
return this.gmult(G,vi,wi,vj,wj);
* Computes G\*inv(M)\*f, where M is the mass matrix with diagonal blocks for each body, and f are the forces on the bodies.
* @method computeGiMf
* @return {Number}
var iMfi = vec2.create(),
iMfj = vec2.create();
Equation.prototype.computeGiMf = function(){
var bi = this.bodyA,
bj = this.bodyB,
fi = bi.force,
ti = bi.angularForce,
fj = bj.force,
tj = bj.angularForce,
invMassi = bi.invMassSolve,
invMassj = bj.invMassSolve,
invIi = bi.invInertiaSolve,
invIj = bj.invInertiaSolve,
G = this.G;
vec2.scale(iMfi, fi, invMassi);
vec2.multiply(iMfi, bi.massMultiplier, iMfi);
vec2.scale(iMfj, fj,invMassj);
vec2.multiply(iMfj, bj.massMultiplier, iMfj);
return this.gmult(G,iMfi,ti*invIi,iMfj,tj*invIj);
* Computes G\*inv(M)\*G'
* @method computeGiMGt
* @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeGiMGt = function(){
var bi = this.bodyA,
bj = this.bodyB,
invMassi = bi.invMassSolve,
invMassj = bj.invMassSolve,
invIi = bi.invInertiaSolve,
invIj = bj.invInertiaSolve,
G = this.G;
return G[0] * G[0] * invMassi * bi.massMultiplier[0] +
G[1] * G[1] * invMassi * bi.massMultiplier[1] +
G[2] * G[2] * invIi +
G[3] * G[3] * invMassj * bj.massMultiplier[0] +
G[4] * G[4] * invMassj * bj.massMultiplier[1] +
G[5] * G[5] * invIj;
var addToWlambda_temp = vec2.create(),
addToWlambda_Gi = vec2.create(),
addToWlambda_Gj = vec2.create(),
addToWlambda_ri = vec2.create(),
addToWlambda_rj = vec2.create(),
addToWlambda_Mdiag = vec2.create();
* Add constraint velocity to the bodies.
* @method addToWlambda
* @param {Number} deltalambda
Equation.prototype.addToWlambda = function(deltalambda){
var bi = this.bodyA,
bj = this.bodyB,
temp = addToWlambda_temp,
Gi = addToWlambda_Gi,
Gj = addToWlambda_Gj,
ri = addToWlambda_ri,
rj = addToWlambda_rj,
invMassi = bi.invMassSolve,
invMassj = bj.invMassSolve,
invIi = bi.invInertiaSolve,
invIj = bj.invInertiaSolve,
Mdiag = addToWlambda_Mdiag,
G = this.G;
Gi[0] = G[0];
Gi[1] = G[1];
Gj[0] = G[3];
Gj[1] = G[4];
// Add to linear velocity
// v_lambda += inv(M) * delta_lamba * G
vec2.scale(temp, Gi, invMassi*deltalambda);
vec2.multiply(temp, temp, bi.massMultiplier);
vec2.add( bi.vlambda, bi.vlambda, temp);
// This impulse is in the offset frame
// Also add contribution to angular
//bi.wlambda -= vec2.crossLength(temp,ri);
bi.wlambda += invIi * G[2] * deltalambda;
vec2.scale(temp, Gj, invMassj*deltalambda);
vec2.multiply(temp, temp, bj.massMultiplier);
vec2.add( bj.vlambda, bj.vlambda, temp);
//bj.wlambda -= vec2.crossLength(temp,rj);
bj.wlambda += invIj * G[5] * deltalambda;
* Compute the denominator part of the SPOOK equation: C = G\*inv(M)\*G' + eps
* @method computeInvC
* @param {Number} eps
* @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeInvC = function(eps){
return 1.0 / (this.computeGiMGt() + eps);