module.exports = Mat3;
var Vec3 = require('./Vec3');
* A 3x3 matrix.
* @class Mat3
* @constructor
* @param array elements Array of nine elements. Optional.
* @author schteppe /
function Mat3(elements){
* A vector of length 9, containing all matrix elements
* @property {Array} elements
this.elements = elements;
} else {
this.elements = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
* Sets the matrix to identity
* @method identity
* @todo Should perhaps be renamed to setIdentity() to be more clear.
* @todo Create another function that immediately creates an identity matrix eg. eye()
Mat3.prototype.identity = function(){
var e = this.elements;
e[0] = 1;
e[1] = 0;
e[2] = 0;
e[3] = 0;
e[4] = 1;
e[5] = 0;
e[6] = 0;
e[7] = 0;
e[8] = 1;
* Set all elements to zero
* @method setZero
Mat3.prototype.setZero = function(){
var e = this.elements;
e[0] = 0;
e[1] = 0;
e[2] = 0;
e[3] = 0;
e[4] = 0;
e[5] = 0;
e[6] = 0;
e[7] = 0;
e[8] = 0;
* Sets the matrix diagonal elements from a Vec3
* @method setTrace
* @param {Vec3} vec3
Mat3.prototype.setTrace = function(vec3){
var e = this.elements;
e[0] = vec3.x;
e[4] = vec3.y;
e[8] = vec3.z;
* Gets the matrix diagonal elements
* @method getTrace
* @return {Vec3}
Mat3.prototype.getTrace = function(target){
var target = target || new Vec3();
var e = this.elements;
target.x = e[0];
target.y = e[4];
target.z = e[8];
* Matrix-Vector multiplication
* @method vmult
* @param {Vec3} v The vector to multiply with
* @param {Vec3} target Optional, target to save the result in.
Mat3.prototype.vmult = function(v,target){
target = target || new Vec3();
var e = this.elements,
x = v.x,
y = v.y,
z = v.z;
target.x = e[0]*x + e[1]*y + e[2]*z;
target.y = e[3]*x + e[4]*y + e[5]*z;
target.z = e[6]*x + e[7]*y + e[8]*z;
return target;
* Matrix-scalar multiplication
* @method smult
* @param {Number} s
Mat3.prototype.smult = function(s){
for(var i=0; i<this.elements.length; i++){
this.elements[i] *= s;
* Matrix multiplication
* @method mmult
* @param {Mat3} m Matrix to multiply with from left side.
* @return {Mat3} The result.
Mat3.prototype.mmult = function(m,target){
var r = target || new Mat3();
for(var i=0; i<3; i++){
for(var j=0; j<3; j++){
var sum = 0.0;
for(var k=0; k<3; k++){
sum += m.elements[i+k*3] * this.elements[k+j*3];
r.elements[i+j*3] = sum;
return r;
* Scale each column of the matrix
* @method scale
* @param {Vec3} v
* @return {Mat3} The result.
Mat3.prototype.scale = function(v,target){
target = target || new Mat3();
var e = this.elements,
t = target.elements;
for(var i=0; i!==3; i++){
t[3*i + 0] = v.x * e[3*i + 0];
t[3*i + 1] = v.y * e[3*i + 1];
t[3*i + 2] = v.z * e[3*i + 2];
return target;
* Solve Ax=b
* @method solve
* @param {Vec3} b The right hand side
* @param {Vec3} target Optional. Target vector to save in.
* @return {Vec3} The solution x
* @todo should reuse arrays
Mat3.prototype.solve = function(b,target){
target = target || new Vec3();
// Construct equations
var nr = 3; // num rows
var nc = 4; // num cols
var eqns = [];
for(var i=0; i<nr*nc; i++){
var i,j;
for(i=0; i<3; i++){
for(j=0; j<3; j++){
eqns[i+nc*j] = this.elements[i+3*j];
eqns[3+4*0] = b.x;
eqns[3+4*1] = b.y;
eqns[3+4*2] = b.z;
// Compute right upper triangular version of the matrix - Gauss elimination
var n = 3, k = n, np;
var kp = 4; // num rows
var p, els;
do {
i = k - n;
if (eqns[i+nc*i] === 0) {
// the pivot is null, swap lines
for (j = i + 1; j < k; j++) {
if (eqns[i+nc*j] !== 0) {
np = kp;
do { // do ligne( i ) = ligne( i ) + ligne( k )
p = kp - np;
eqns[p+nc*i] += eqns[p+nc*j];
} while (--np);
if (eqns[i+nc*i] !== 0) {
for (j = i + 1; j < k; j++) {
var multiplier = eqns[i+nc*j] / eqns[i+nc*i];
np = kp;
do { // do ligne( k ) = ligne( k ) - multiplier * ligne( i )
p = kp - np;
eqns[p+nc*j] = p <= i ? 0 : eqns[p+nc*j] - eqns[p+nc*i] * multiplier ;
} while (--np);
} while (--n);
// Get the solution
target.z = eqns[2*nc+3] / eqns[2*nc+2];
target.y = (eqns[1*nc+3] - eqns[1*nc+2]*target.z) / eqns[1*nc+1];
target.x = (eqns[0*nc+3] - eqns[0*nc+2]*target.z - eqns[0*nc+1]*target.y) / eqns[0*nc+0];
if(isNaN(target.x) || isNaN(target.y) || isNaN(target.z) || target.x===Infinity || target.y===Infinity || target.z===Infinity){
throw "Could not solve equation! Got x=["+target.toString()+"], b=["+b.toString()+"], A=["+this.toString()+"]";
return target;
* Get an element in the matrix by index. Index starts at 0, not 1!!!
* @method e
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} column
* @param {Number} value Optional. If provided, the matrix element will be set to this value.
* @return {Number}
Mat3.prototype.e = function( row , column ,value){
return this.elements[column+3*row];
} else {
// Set value
this.elements[column+3*row] = value;
* Copy another matrix into this matrix object.
* @method copy
* @param {Mat3} source
* @return {Mat3} this
Mat3.prototype.copy = function(source){
for(var i=0; i < source.elements.length; i++){
this.elements[i] = source.elements[i];
return this;
* Returns a string representation of the matrix.
* @method toString
* @return string
Mat3.prototype.toString = function(){
var r = "";
var sep = ",";
for(var i=0; i<9; i++){
r += this.elements[i] + sep;
return r;
* reverse the matrix
* @method reverse
* @param {Mat3} target Optional. Target matrix to save in.
* @return {Mat3} The solution x
Mat3.prototype.reverse = function(target){
target = target || new Mat3();
// Construct equations
var nr = 3; // num rows
var nc = 6; // num cols
var eqns = [];
for(var i=0; i<nr*nc; i++){
var i,j;
for(i=0; i<3; i++){
for(j=0; j<3; j++){
eqns[i+nc*j] = this.elements[i+3*j];
eqns[3+6*0] = 1;
eqns[3+6*1] = 0;
eqns[3+6*2] = 0;
eqns[4+6*0] = 0;
eqns[4+6*1] = 1;
eqns[4+6*2] = 0;
eqns[5+6*0] = 0;
eqns[5+6*1] = 0;
eqns[5+6*2] = 1;
// Compute right upper triangular version of the matrix - Gauss elimination
var n = 3, k = n, np;
var kp = nc; // num rows
var p;
do {
i = k - n;
if (eqns[i+nc*i] === 0) {
// the pivot is null, swap lines
for (j = i + 1; j < k; j++) {
if (eqns[i+nc*j] !== 0) {
np = kp;
do { // do line( i ) = line( i ) + line( k )
p = kp - np;
eqns[p+nc*i] += eqns[p+nc*j];
} while (--np);
if (eqns[i+nc*i] !== 0) {
for (j = i + 1; j < k; j++) {
var multiplier = eqns[i+nc*j] / eqns[i+nc*i];
np = kp;
do { // do line( k ) = line( k ) - multiplier * line( i )
p = kp - np;
eqns[p+nc*j] = p <= i ? 0 : eqns[p+nc*j] - eqns[p+nc*i] * multiplier ;
} while (--np);
} while (--n);
// eliminate the upper left triangle of the matrix
i = 2;
do {
j = i-1;
do {
var multiplier = eqns[i+nc*j] / eqns[i+nc*i];
np = nc;
do {
p = nc - np;
eqns[p+nc*j] = eqns[p+nc*j] - eqns[p+nc*i] * multiplier ;
} while (--np);
} while (j--);
} while (--i);
// operations on the diagonal
i = 2;
do {
var multiplier = 1 / eqns[i+nc*i];
np = nc;
do {
p = nc - np;
eqns[p+nc*i] = eqns[p+nc*i] * multiplier ;
} while (--np);
} while (i--);
i = 2;
do {
j = 2;
do {
p = eqns[nr+j+nc*i];
if( isNaN( p ) || p ===Infinity ){
throw "Could not reverse! A=["+this.toString()+"]";
target.e( i , j , p );
} while (j--);
} while (i--);
return target;
* Set the matrix from a quaterion
* @method setRotationFromQuaternion
* @param {Quaternion} q
Mat3.prototype.setRotationFromQuaternion = function( q ) {
var x = q.x, y = q.y, z = q.z, w = q.w,
x2 = x + x, y2 = y + y, z2 = z + z,
xx = x * x2, xy = x * y2, xz = x * z2,
yy = y * y2, yz = y * z2, zz = z * z2,
wx = w * x2, wy = w * y2, wz = w * z2,
e = this.elements;
e[3*0 + 0] = 1 - ( yy + zz );
e[3*0 + 1] = xy - wz;
e[3*0 + 2] = xz + wy;
e[3*1 + 0] = xy + wz;
e[3*1 + 1] = 1 - ( xx + zz );
e[3*1 + 2] = yz - wx;
e[3*2 + 0] = xz - wy;
e[3*2 + 1] = yz + wx;
e[3*2 + 2] = 1 - ( xx + yy );
return this;
* Transpose the matrix
* @method transpose
* @param {Mat3} target Where to store the result.
* @return {Mat3} The target Mat3, or a new Mat3 if target was omitted.
Mat3.prototype.transpose = function( target ) {
target = target || new Mat3();
var Mt = target.elements,
M = this.elements;
for(var i=0; i!==3; i++){
for(var j=0; j!==3; j++){
Mt[3*i + j] = M[3*j + i];
return target;