API Docs for: 0.6.1

File: src/equations/Equation.js

module.exports = Equation;

var JacobianElement = require('../math/JacobianElement'),
    Vec3 = require('../math/Vec3');

 * Equation base class
 * @class Equation
 * @constructor
 * @author schteppe
 * @param {Body} bi
 * @param {Body} bj
 * @param {Number} minForce Minimum (read: negative max) force to be applied by the constraint.
 * @param {Number} maxForce Maximum (read: positive max) force to be applied by the constraint.
function Equation(bi,bj,minForce,maxForce){
    this.id = Equation.id++;

     * @property {number} minForce
    this.minForce = typeof(minForce)==="undefined" ? -1e6 : minForce;

     * @property {number} maxForce
    this.maxForce = typeof(maxForce)==="undefined" ? 1e6 : maxForce;

     * @property bi
     * @type {Body}
    this.bi = bi;

     * @property bj
     * @type {Body}
    this.bj = bj;

     * SPOOK parameter
     * @property {number} a
    this.a = 0.0;

     * SPOOK parameter
     * @property {number} b
    this.b = 0.0;

     * SPOOK parameter
     * @property {number} eps
    this.eps = 0.0;

     * @property {JacobianElement} jacobianElementA
    this.jacobianElementA = new JacobianElement();

     * @property {JacobianElement} jacobianElementB
    this.jacobianElementB = new JacobianElement();

     * @property {boolean} enabled
     * @default true
    this.enabled = true;

    // Set typical spook params
Equation.prototype.constructor = Equation;

Equation.id = 0;

 * Recalculates a,b,eps.
 * @method setSpookParams
Equation.prototype.setSpookParams = function(stiffness,relaxation,timeStep){
    var d = relaxation,
        k = stiffness,
        h = timeStep;
    this.a = 4.0 / (h * (1 + 4 * d));
    this.b = (4.0 * d) / (1 + 4 * d);
    this.eps = 4.0 / (h * h * k * (1 + 4 * d));

 * Computes the RHS of the SPOOK equation
 * @method computeB
 * @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeB = function(a,b,h){
    var GW = this.computeGW(),
        Gq = this.computeGq(),
        GiMf = this.computeGiMf();
    return - Gq * a - GW * b - GiMf*h;

 * Computes G*q, where q are the generalized body coordinates
 * @method computeGq
 * @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeGq = function(){
    var GA = this.jacobianElementA,
        GB = this.jacobianElementB,
        bi = this.bi,
        bj = this.bj,
        xi = bi.position,
        xj = bj.position;
    return GA.spatial.dot(xi) + GB.spatial.dot(xj);

var zero = new Vec3();

 * Computes G*W, where W are the body velocities
 * @method computeGW
 * @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeGW = function(){
    var GA = this.jacobianElementA,
        GB = this.jacobianElementB,
        bi = this.bi,
        bj = this.bj,
        vi = bi.velocity,
        vj = bj.velocity,
        wi = bi.angularVelocity || zero,
        wj = bj.angularVelocity || zero;
    return GA.multiplyVectors(vi,wi) + GB.multiplyVectors(vj,wj);

 * Computes G*Wlambda, where W are the body velocities
 * @method computeGWlambda
 * @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeGWlambda = function(){
    var GA = this.jacobianElementA,
        GB = this.jacobianElementB,
        bi = this.bi,
        bj = this.bj,
        vi = bi.vlambda,
        vj = bj.vlambda,
        wi = bi.wlambda || zero,
        wj = bj.wlambda || zero;
    return GA.multiplyVectors(vi,wi) + GB.multiplyVectors(vj,wj);

 * Computes G*inv(M)*f, where M is the mass matrix with diagonal blocks for each body, and f are the forces on the bodies.
 * @method computeGiMf
 * @return {Number}
var iMfi = new Vec3(),
    iMfj = new Vec3(),
    invIi_vmult_taui = new Vec3(),
    invIj_vmult_tauj = new Vec3();
Equation.prototype.computeGiMf = function(){
    var GA = this.jacobianElementA,
        GB = this.jacobianElementB,
        bi = this.bi,
        bj = this.bj,
        fi = bi.force,
        ti = bi.torque,
        fj = bj.force,
        tj = bj.torque,
        invMassi = bi.invMassSolve,
        invMassj = bj.invMassSolve;

    if(bi.invInertiaWorldSolve){ bi.invInertiaWorldSolve.vmult(ti,invIi_vmult_taui); }
    else { invIi_vmult_taui.set(0,0,0); }
    if(bj.invInertiaWorldSolve){ bj.invInertiaWorldSolve.vmult(tj,invIj_vmult_tauj); }
    else { invIj_vmult_tauj.set(0,0,0); }


    return GA.multiplyVectors(iMfi,invIi_vmult_taui) + GB.multiplyVectors(iMfj,invIj_vmult_tauj);

 * Computes G*inv(M)*G'
 * @method computeGiMGt
 * @return {Number}
var tmp = new Vec3();
Equation.prototype.computeGiMGt = function(){
    var GA = this.jacobianElementA,
        GB = this.jacobianElementB,
        bi = this.bi,
        bj = this.bj,
        invMassi = bi.invMassSolve,
        invMassj = bj.invMassSolve,
        invIi = bi.invInertiaWorldSolve,
        invIj = bj.invInertiaWorldSolve,
        result = invMassi + invMassj;

        result += tmp.dot(GA.rotational);

        result += tmp.dot(GB.rotational);

    return  result;

var addToWlambda_temp = new Vec3(),
    addToWlambda_Gi = new Vec3(),
    addToWlambda_Gj = new Vec3(),
    addToWlambda_ri = new Vec3(),
    addToWlambda_rj = new Vec3(),
    addToWlambda_Mdiag = new Vec3();

 * Add constraint velocity to the bodies.
 * @method addToWlambda
 * @param {Number} deltalambda
Equation.prototype.addToWlambda = function(deltalambda){
    var GA = this.jacobianElementA,
        GB = this.jacobianElementB,
        bi = this.bi,
        bj = this.bj,
        temp = addToWlambda_temp;

    // Add to linear velocity
    // v_lambda += inv(M) * delta_lamba * G
    GA.spatial.mult(bi.invMassSolve * deltalambda,temp);
    bi.vlambda.vadd(temp, bi.vlambda);

    GB.spatial.mult(bj.invMassSolve * deltalambda,temp);
    bj.vlambda.vadd(temp, bj.vlambda);

    // Add to angular velocity


 * Compute the denominator part of the SPOOK equation: C = G*inv(M)*G' + eps
 * @method computeInvC
 * @param  {Number} eps
 * @return {Number}
Equation.prototype.computeC = function(){
    return this.computeGiMGt() + this.eps;