API Docs for: 0.6.1

File: src/collision/AABB.js

var Vec3 = require('../math/Vec3');
var Utils = require('../utils/Utils');

module.exports = AABB;

 * Axis aligned bounding box class.
 * @class AABB
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {Vec3}   [options.upperBound]
 * @param {Vec3}   [options.lowerBound]
function AABB(options){
    options = options || {};

     * The lower bound of the bounding box.
     * @property lowerBound
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.lowerBound = new Vec3();

     * The upper bound of the bounding box.
     * @property upperBound
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.upperBound = new Vec3();

var tmp = new Vec3();

 * Set the AABB bounds from a set of points.
 * @method setFromPoints
 * @param {Array} points An array of Vec3's.
 * @param {Vec3} position
 * @param {Quaternion} quaternion
 * @param {number} skinSize
 * @return {AABB} The self object
AABB.prototype.setFromPoints = function(points, position, quaternion, skinSize){
    var l = this.lowerBound,
        u = this.upperBound,
        q = quaternion;

    // Set to the first point
        q.vmult(l, l);

    for(var i = 1; i<points.length; i++){
        var p = points[i];

            q.vmult(p, tmp);
            p = tmp;

        if(p.x > u.x){ u.x = p.x; }
        if(p.x < l.x){ l.x = p.x; }
        if(p.y > u.y){ u.y = p.y; }
        if(p.y < l.y){ l.y = p.y; }
        if(p.z > u.z){ u.z = p.z; }
        if(p.z < l.z){ l.z = p.z; }

    // Add offset
    if (position) {
        position.vadd(l, l);
        position.vadd(u, u);

        l.x -= skinSize;
        l.y -= skinSize;
        l.z -= skinSize;
        u.x += skinSize;
        u.y += skinSize;
        u.z += skinSize;

    return this;

 * Copy bounds from an AABB to this AABB
 * @method copy
 * @param  {AABB} aabb Source to copy from
 * @return {AABB} The this object, for chainability
AABB.prototype.copy = function(aabb){
    return this;

 * Clone an AABB
 * @method clone
AABB.prototype.clone = function(){
    return new AABB().copy(this);

 * Extend this AABB so that it covers the given AABB too.
 * @method extend
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
AABB.prototype.extend = function(aabb){
    // Extend lower bound
    var l = aabb.lowerBound.x;
    if(this.lowerBound.x > l){
        this.lowerBound.x = l;

    // Upper
    var u = aabb.upperBound.x;
    if(this.upperBound.x < u){
        this.upperBound.x = u;

    // Extend lower bound
    var l = aabb.lowerBound.y;
    if(this.lowerBound.y > l){
        this.lowerBound.y = l;

    // Upper
    var u = aabb.upperBound.y;
    if(this.upperBound.y < u){
        this.upperBound.y = u;

    // Extend lower bound
    var l = aabb.lowerBound.z;
    if(this.lowerBound.z > l){
        this.lowerBound.z = l;

    // Upper
    var u = aabb.upperBound.z;
    if(this.upperBound.z < u){
        this.upperBound.z = u;

 * Returns true if the given AABB overlaps this AABB.
 * @method overlaps
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
 * @return {Boolean}
AABB.prototype.overlaps = function(aabb){
    var l1 = this.lowerBound,
        u1 = this.upperBound,
        l2 = aabb.lowerBound,
        u2 = aabb.upperBound;

    //      l2        u2
    //      |---------|
    // |--------|
    // l1       u1

    return ((l2.x <= u1.x && u1.x <= u2.x) || (l1.x <= u2.x && u2.x <= u1.x)) &&
           ((l2.y <= u1.y && u1.y <= u2.y) || (l1.y <= u2.y && u2.y <= u1.y)) &&
           ((l2.z <= u1.z && u1.z <= u2.z) || (l1.z <= u2.z && u2.z <= u1.z));

 * Returns true if the given AABB is fully contained in this AABB.
 * @method contains
 * @param {AABB} aabb
 * @return {Boolean}
AABB.prototype.contains = function(aabb){
    var l1 = this.lowerBound,
        u1 = this.upperBound,
        l2 = aabb.lowerBound,
        u2 = aabb.upperBound;

    //      l2        u2
    //      |---------|
    // |---------------|
    // l1              u1

    return (
        (l1.x <= l2.x && u1.x >= u2.x) &&
        (l1.y <= l2.y && u1.y >= u2.y) &&
        (l1.z <= l2.z && u1.z >= u2.z)

 * @method getCorners
 * @param {Vec3} a
 * @param {Vec3} b
 * @param {Vec3} c
 * @param {Vec3} d
 * @param {Vec3} e
 * @param {Vec3} f
 * @param {Vec3} g
 * @param {Vec3} h
AABB.prototype.getCorners = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h){
    var l = this.lowerBound,
        u = this.upperBound;

    b.set( u.x, l.y, l.z );
    c.set( u.x, u.y, l.z );
    d.set( l.x, u.y, u.z );
    e.set( u.x, l.y, l.z );
    f.set( l.x, u.y, l.z );
    g.set( l.x, l.y, u.z );

var transformIntoFrame_corners = [
    new Vec3(),
    new Vec3(),
    new Vec3(),
    new Vec3(),
    new Vec3(),
    new Vec3(),
    new Vec3(),
    new Vec3()

 * Get the representation of an AABB in another frame.
 * @method toLocalFrame
 * @param  {Transform} frame
 * @param  {AABB} target
 * @return {AABB} The "target" AABB object.
AABB.prototype.toLocalFrame = function(frame, target){

    var corners = transformIntoFrame_corners;
    var a = corners[0];
    var b = corners[1];
    var c = corners[2];
    var d = corners[3];
    var e = corners[4];
    var f = corners[5];
    var g = corners[6];
    var h = corners[7];

    // Get corners in current frame
    this.getCorners(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);

    // Transform them to new local frame
    for(var i=0; i !== 8; i++){
        var corner = corners[i];
        frame.pointToLocal(corner, corner);

    return target.setFromPoints(corners);

 * Get the representation of an AABB in the global frame.
 * @method toWorldFrame
 * @param  {Transform} frame
 * @param  {AABB} target
 * @return {AABB} The "target" AABB object.
AABB.prototype.toWorldFrame = function(frame, target){

    var corners = transformIntoFrame_corners;
    var a = corners[0];
    var b = corners[1];
    var c = corners[2];
    var d = corners[3];
    var e = corners[4];
    var f = corners[5];
    var g = corners[6];
    var h = corners[7];

    // Get corners in current frame
    this.getCorners(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);

    // Transform them to new local frame
    for(var i=0; i !== 8; i++){
        var corner = corners[i];
        frame.pointToWorld(corner, corner);

    return target.setFromPoints(corners);